Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Lakeland Terrier

The Lakeland terrier is a pretty cool, kind of fluffy, dog. He might be a little small based on what I read, but most of the people commenting seem to think these size estimates are a little on the small side - bulldogs appear to be much bigger than what was listed.

Lakeland terrier - kind of fluffy, pretty fun

Size: 15-20 lbs 
Life expectancy: 10-12 years
Grooming: Groom 2-3 times per year
Shedding: Little to no shedding

Lively and cheerful
Quick learning dog (except with housebreaking)
Good for apartment life

May be a barker
Difficult to housebreak

The site I looked at says this is a good apartment dog, but that it's very active indoors. I'd worry about the barking, but does anyone have more info? I would love to hear from you in the comments. And as always, please vote in the poll on the right.

Sources: http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/lakelandterrier.htm

***If you would like to recommend another dog, please leave a comment below***

1 comment:

  1. Again, if only we still lived in Boston:

    "The Lakeland Terrier was bred to hunt vermin in the rugged shale mountains of the Lake District of northern England."
