Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Basset Hound

Next up, is a bit of a fan favorite from preliminary discussions. The Basset Hound seems like an ideal dog for apartment living, as they are pretty laid-back, lazy dogs. Please give us some feedback in the comments if you've heard otherwise.

Basset Hound - look at that face!
Size: 45-65 lbs 
Life expectancy: 10-12 years 
Grooming: Comb and brush when necessary 
Shedding: Frequent

Peaceful, laid-back dog that will relax with you
Very friendly, never vicious dogs
Very good apartment dog

Hard to control outside if they get off a leash because they follow scents and don't listen
Have to feed two small meals instead of one because prone to bloat
Sheds a lot

Let us know what you think in the comments below. And be sure to vote in the poll on the right side.


***If you would like to recommend another dog, please leave a comment below***


  1. He is cute in a sad little way. You just want to hug him and say it will be okay. He looks like a Bernie. Roxanne

  2. I like this better than the terrier, but Basset Hound eyes have always kind of creeped me out. But that could be just me!

  3. Then this will really creep you out:
